Contact Details & Directions
Looking for a Labradoodle, Moyen Poodle, Goldendoodle, or Australian Goldendoodle(AKA double doodle)? Text me or fill out the form and application at the bottom of the page and press submit.
Karlas Pet Rendezvous
For Breeder Info, call: 207-653-3321
For Boarding, Daycare, & Grooming, call: 603-447-3435
Fax: 603:447-1230
Hours: Open 7 days a week 7:00AM-6:00PM
Email: [email protected] (For Doodle Puppies)
Email: [email protected] (For Daycare & Grooming)
Directions: 512 Eastman Rd Center Conway, NH 03813
Please call or text us at 603-653-3321 or leave your number and we will be happy to return your call. You may fill out this short form if you have a quick question before you fill out application. It will be much more efficient to have your application with us before we talk. I am better able to guide you to the best waiting list if I know exactly what you want. Application link at the bottom of this page.
This is why you should get a puppy from us!